Girls' education under threat. We need YOUR voice.
We apologize, but the action alert you are attempting to access is no longer active.
Consider taking action on other issues.
Pledge your support for displaced children and families everywhere | |
Sign the pledge to stand with displaced children and families everywhere. | |
Last chance for reforms to feed millions | |
Supporters like you helped pass food aid reform in the Senate -- now, we need to pull out all the stops to make sure that the Farm Bill includes these critical changes and we're able to get food to the people who need it. | |
Thank your senator for her leadership | |
Your Senator needs to hear from you to know that you see her doing the right thing for women and girls around the world. Take a minute to thank your Senator for her leadership. | |
Make Preventing Violence Against Women an International Priority | |
One in three women worldwide have been raped, abused, forced into prostitution, or suffered some other form of violence. We need to do something to stop this atrocity. | |
The U.S. must continue to show leadership by providing humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees and host communities. Tell President Obama and Congress: support the civilians trapped inside Syria and the refugees forced to flee their homes. | |
Tell your member of Congress that we must and help the South Sudanese people getting them much-needed food and working toward an end to the violence. There's no time to spare. Please send your message now. | |
TEST call alert | |
Asking members of Congress to support the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA) | |
Congress: We Are #BetterThanTheBan | |
We urge our legislators in Congress to speak out unequivocally in support of refugee families, and to oppose this ban now. | |
Speak out for women's health! | |
The assault on global family planning must end now. Tell Congress support the Reach Every Mother and Child Act. | |
Senators Capito and Manchin, #DontCutLives! | |
Congress must protect U.S foreign assistance from any cuts. Add your voice now. | |
Oppose any cuts to international family planning programs | |
Stand with women, girls and families around the world by supporting funding for international family programs. | |
Pass the International Violence Against Women Act | |
Add your voice now and call on Congress to reintroduce and pass IVAWA, and commit to an unprecedented global policy to stop gender-based violence. | |
Add Your Voice: Invest in Girls! | |
On this International Day of the Girl, join us in speaking out to urge Congress to act on behalf of girls worldwide to empower them to lead healthy, safe, and productive lives! | |
Tell Congress: Invest in Girls! | |
On this International Day of the Girl, join us in speaking out to urge Congress to act on behalf of girls worldwide to empower them to lead healthy, safe, and productive lives! | |
Pass the International Violence Against Women Act | |
Add your voice now and call on Congress to reintroduce and pass IVAWA, and commit to an unprecedented global policy to stop gender-based violence. | |
Tell Congress: Invest in Women Worldwide | |
FY18 -- Send a letter to your members of Congress this International Women's Day and urge them to introduce women's economic empowerment legislation that unlocks the potential of women globally. | |
Congress, #DontCutLives! | |
Congress must protect U.S foreign assistance from any cuts. Add your voice now. | |
Act Now for Refugees | |
Tell your representatives to keep our doors open to refugees in desperate need of our help. | |
Act Now For Refugees | |
Tell your representatives to keep our doors open to refugees in desperate need of our help. | |
Tell Congress: End The War in Yemen | |
Send a letter to your members of Congress to urge the Administration to respond to and address the root causes of humanitarian crises globally. | |
Tell Congress: Stand Up for Girls in Emergencies | |
Send a letter to your members of Congress to urge the Administration to respond to and address the root causes of humanitarian crises globally. | |
Tell Congress: Speak Out on Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen | |
Send a letter to your members of Congress to urge the Administration to respond to and address the root causes of the Yemen crisis globally. | |
Tell Congress: Invest in Women Worldwide | |
FY19 -- Send a letter to your members of Congress this International Women's Day and urge them to introduce women's economic empowerment legislation that unlocks the potential of women globally. | |
Keep Our Promise to End Global Hunger | |
Speak out now and urge your representatives in Washington to reauthorize GFSA now. | |
House Appropriations Committee, Don't Cut Lives | |
Members of the House Appropriations Committee are reviewing State and Foreign Operations Appropriations budget for the coming year. Call on the members to protect this crucial budget from any cuts. | |
Save lives by supporting the UNFPA | |
We can end preventable maternal death within our lifetime. But not without America's leadership. Save lives by supporting the UNFPA. | |
Vote Imminent: Tell the House of Representatives, #DontCutLives | |
Members of the House of Representatives are reviewing State and Foreign Operations Appropriations budget for the coming year. Call on the members to protect this crucial budget from any cuts. | |
Congress, #DontCutLives! | |
Congress must protect U.S foreign assistance from any cuts. Add your voice now. | |
Pass the International Violence Against Women Act | |
Add your voice now and call on Congress to reintroduce and pass IVAWA, and commit to an unprecedented global policy to stop gender-based violence. | |
Tell Congress, Stand Up for Girls in Emergencies | |
Congress must protect U.S foreign assistance from any cuts. Add your voice now. | |
Congress, #DontCutLives! | |
Congress must protect U.S foreign assistance from any cuts. Add your voice now. | |
Congress, Keep Our Promise to End Global Hunger | |
Speak out now and urge your representatives in Washington to reauthorize GFSA now. | |
Thank Congress for keeping its promise to end global hunger! | |
Tell Congress thank you for passing the Global Food Security Reauthorization Act of 2017. | |
Tell Congress, Protect U.S. Foreign Assistance and End Global Hunger | |
Congress must protect U.S foreign assistance from any cuts. Add your voice now. | |
Tell Congress: Protect Foreign Assistance in Central America | |
Congress must protect U.S foreign assistance from any cuts. Add your voice now. | |
Tell Congress, Stand Up For Manju | |
Congress must protect U.S foreign assistance from any cuts. Add your voice now. | |
Tell Congress: Make Women Safe from the Start | |
Ask your Member of Congress today to co-sponsor and support the Safe from the Start Act and protect women and girls from gender-based violence. |