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CARE Defending dignity. Fighting poverty.

Dear Friend,

Today is International Women's Day. It's a day to celebrate the potential of women and girls. To do amazing things. To change the world.

Yesterday, hundreds of CARE supporters like you helped nurture this potential by meeting on Capitol Hill and demanding a change to the status quo – and an end to brutal violence against women and girls.

As someone who shares my belief in the power of women, as well as my horror at the epidemic of senseless, brutal attacks on little girls, mothers, and grandmothers – I hope you'll do one more thing for women this week: Share this image on Facebook in honor of International Women's Day, and all of the women and girls who are needless victims of violence and abuse. Or simply forward this email.

Survivors of rape and violence aren't invisible. We see you. We stand with you.

Whether it's demanding change from our leaders, working with women AND men to shift attitudes, or preventing gender-based violence or treating its survivors – CARE is determined to create a better world – one where girls and women don't have to live in fear and shame.

We must make it impossible for our friends, family, and neighbors to ignore these women or their suffering. We must stand up for women all around the world who are threatened and harmed behind closed doors or even out in the open. We must make visible what has become an invisible, but heartbreaking truth.

Thank you for everything you do to support CARE,

Helene D. Gayle, MD, MPH
President and CEO, CARE

P.S. Want proof that your voice matters? Just yesterday, CARE activists scored a huge victory when President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act into law – an act which mostly focuses on violence against women in the US, but also includes major new steps to prevent young girls from becoming child brides globally.

To the 10,000 of you who helped push forward the fight to end child marriages during International Day of the Girl, and hundreds more who met or contacted your members of Congress over the years to urge action for girls vulnerable to child marriage, know that your activism has made a real, measurable difference for young girls around the world. Spread the good news by liking this update on Facebook!



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