'I Will Not Let Them Die'
Every time I look at my 2-month-old, I remember that horrifying night. I shiver in fear of what could have happened to me and my baby if Anila had not brought us to the health center in time. As part of the government health department, Anila advises pregnant women and young mothers on maternal and child health.
My husband, Nanki Sada, had been introduced to "Baba," ... Read more >>
Yes, school reintegration is possible when you get money
My name is Odette Nizeyimana. I'm 18 years old and come from a poor family, where finding food was sometimes difficult. But, my father always promised me that he would support my education until I got a diploma. In 2012, I passed the national test so I could begin secondary education. It was a great joy for me. Few children have the chance to pass this test. This was my opportunity to fulfill ... Read more >>
We Are No Longer Orphans
At age 18 I was raped, and after giving birth, I was forced to leave school. Then my mother became very ill and I had to beg in order to feed her. Eventually, a doctor told me she would never be cured and a few days later she died in my arms. After my mother's death, ... Read more >>
Deviating from the Norm to Ensure Food Security
In a culture where the husband is usually the breadwinner, Zerfu Mehari has taken the lead and is working closely with her husband, Asmerom Niguse, to radically boost their household's income. Two years ago, her family of six largely relied on Asmerom's meager monthly income, along with food support from the government's Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP). "My husband's monthly income was only 100 birr (about $5), 30 kilos of flour and two kilos of red pepper from working at a mill. Providing food, ... Read more >>
Dream Child Refugee
Mohammed, a Syrian refugee, is barely 14 years old. His parents decided to leave their war-torn homeland to find a safe haven. So they traveled on foot to Jordan. While on their journey, Mohammed's grandfather was killed by a shell dropped from a drone. The family was unable to bury him, so they continued walking, trying to continue their lives. After a grueling journey, Mohammed's family finally reached ... Read more >>
Rehema and Her Solar Lamp
Rehema Sharia is a 13-year-old girl living with her grandmother. Like many young girls, she dreams of becoming a doctor. But darkness was a major obstacle to achieving her dream ... Read more >>